Tax Return City!

Nice! I got both my federal and state tax returns back over the past few weeks. They were substantial, relatively speaking, simply because I lost so much money, relatively speaking again , last year.
Starting a business is tough because you have to invest money into an unforeseeable future. However, I have a lot of faith in my new little business and am confident in time it will reap better rewards than the cost of the debt I've incurred.
Anyway, back to the tax returns, I've deposited them both into a high interest rate savings account. My fiance and I use Capital One Savings Bank, because they offer checking, and deliver an APY above 4%. The annoying thing about Capital One Savings Bank is their software. It is some lousy third party, which even runs on an external domain! My business bank uses the same solution, which makes storing passwords for either impossible. Though storing your bank passwords is probably not a good idea to begin with.
What we do is link our American Express One card to both our Capital One account, which has checking and a high interest rate, with our checking accounts, which have direct deposit from our employers. This is a bit round-about, but its actually not nearly as bad as it seems.
American Express has great software, so that makes it easier.
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